Please use the list below to help you find what you are looking for.
Pieces are listed in alphabetical order with forces and difficulty level, duration, audio/video links and a link to where you can preview/purchase the score. If you scroll down you will find further information on each piece...
Happy browsing!
Any questions please contact Alison.
Pieces particularly suitable for Lent/Easter/Pentecost are labelled in green.
Advent/Christmas/Candlemas are labelled in red.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.4'40''
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The text for this piece combines the medieval “A Rose Hath Borne a Lily White” (James Ryman, 15th Century) with Alma Redemptoris Mater, credited to Hermann the Lame (1013-1054). Musically, it draws on the Gregorian and Anglican choral chant traditions with the aleatoric soprano lines towards the end of the piece suggesting an angelic choir.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.4'40''
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The text for this piece combines the medieval “A Rose Hath Borne a Lily White” (James Ryman, 15th Century) with Alma Redemptoris Mater, credited to Hermann the Lame (1013-1054). Musically, it draws on the Gregorian and Anglican choral chant traditions with the aleatoric soprano lines towards the end of the piece suggesting an angelic choir.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.7'00''
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The text for this piece is taken from a Middle English Poem (Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, f. 7v). It is combined with the words of the Kyrie Eleison, starting with one simple motif, building to many layered polyphony and returning to the single motif at the end. To some extent it is inspired by Tallis’s Spem in Alium and could be performed in the round.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.7'00''
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The text for this piece is taken from a Middle English Poem (Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, f. 7v). It is combined with the words of the Kyrie Eleison, starting with one simple motif, building to many layered polyphony and returning to the single motif at the end. To some extent it is inspired by Tallis’s Spem in Alium and could be performed in the round.
SATB & Organ or Piano,
Duration c.3'20''
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Joyful Easter anthem described by the RSCM as 'full bodied', 'triumphant' and 'comparatively easy to learn', with words based on Victimae paschali laudes, attributed to Wipo of Burgundy (c. 995–1050), translated by Jane E. Leeson (1808-1881).
SATB & Organ or Piano,
Duration c.3'20''
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Joyful Easter anthem described by the RSCM as 'full bodied', 'triumphant' and 'comparatively easy to learn', with words based on Victimae paschali laudes, attributed to Wipo of Burgundy (c. 995–1050), translated by Jane E. Leeson (1808-1881).
SATB (some divisi) & Organ,
Duration Magnificat c. 3'20'', Nunc Dimittis c. 3'30''
Nunc Dimittis:
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Written for Derby Cathedral supported by Friends of Cathedral Music these settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis are described as music that 'combines new textures with beautifully shaped melodies', with 'a freshness about it, colour and lyricism'. 'and 'imaginative and challenging, yet entirely practical for the context in which it will be performed.’ First performed at Derby Cathedral November 2021.
SATB (some divisi) & Organ,
Duration Magnificat c. 3'20'', Nunc Dimittis c. 3'30''
Nunc Dimittis:
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Written for Derby Cathedral supported by Friends of Cathedral Music these settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis are described as music that 'combines new textures with beautifully shaped melodies', with 'a freshness about it, colour and lyricism'. 'and 'imaginative and challenging, yet entirely practical for the context in which it will be performed.’ First performed at Derby Cathedral November 2021.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.3'30''
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and this piece uses my interpretation of the non-pitch specific chant for this text. When writing this I rather felt I tracked the development of polyphony from single line to full eight parts! The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition. First performed by Bristol Cathedral Choir 2017.
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.3'30''
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and this piece uses my interpretation of the non-pitch specific chant for this text. When writing this I rather felt I tracked the development of polyphony from single line to full eight parts! The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition. First performed by Bristol Cathedral Choir 2017.
Duration c.3'00''
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Written for Reading Phoenix Choir in 2018. The choir sings from memory and this influenced the use of patterns and repetitions within the piece, particularly the opening motif. The text is taken from Christina Rossetti’s beautiful poem "They Have Brought Gold and Spices" (1852) which tells of the three Kings and is therefore particularly suited to carol services, Epiphany and All Saints. The piece fluctuates between excitement at the arrival of the kings with their wondrous gifts, incense and precious stuffs and ivory and more reflective sections wondering what the singer can possibly bring instead.
"An excerpt from Christina Rossetti’s larger poem, They Have Brought Gold and Spices, makes for a jubilant Epiphany-tide carol. Sprightly motifs and a flexible metrical landscape convey rapture in the appearance of the Christ child. Aside from overlapping entrances of the jagged opening pattern, the choir operates mainly in homophonic textures, clearly enunciating the beautiful poetry. A poignant section in slower motion with surprising harmonies answers a darker hint in the text before returning to the opening material in joyful answer. Modest ranges and lack of part division mitigates some of the difficulties of the mixed meter and rapid succession of compositional ideas. This medium-difficult anthem will fit more accomplished ensembles in liturgy and concert settings." -AAM Journal, Nov. 2021
Duration c.3'00''
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Written for Reading Phoenix Choir in 2018. The choir sings from memory and this influenced the use of patterns and repetitions within the piece, particularly the opening motif. The text is taken from Christina Rossetti’s beautiful poem "They Have Brought Gold and Spices" (1852) which tells of the three Kings and is therefore particularly suited to carol services, Epiphany and All Saints. The piece fluctuates between excitement at the arrival of the kings with their wondrous gifts, incense and precious stuffs and ivory and more reflective sections wondering what the singer can possibly bring instead.
"An excerpt from Christina Rossetti’s larger poem, They Have Brought Gold and Spices, makes for a jubilant Epiphany-tide carol. Sprightly motifs and a flexible metrical landscape convey rapture in the appearance of the Christ child. Aside from overlapping entrances of the jagged opening pattern, the choir operates mainly in homophonic textures, clearly enunciating the beautiful poetry. A poignant section in slower motion with surprising harmonies answers a darker hint in the text before returning to the opening material in joyful answer. Modest ranges and lack of part division mitigates some of the difficulties of the mixed meter and rapid succession of compositional ideas. This medium-difficult anthem will fit more accomplished ensembles in liturgy and concert settings." -AAM Journal, Nov. 2021
Duration c.3'30''
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A gentle, lullaby like carol for SATB mixed choir setting the poem of the same name by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911). The poem is based on a passage from Matthew 8:20, opening with the words: 'The conies had their hiding place, the fox with stealthy tread a covert found, but Christ, the Lord, had not a place to lay his head.' Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was one of the first African-American women to be published in the United States, also an abolitionist, suffragist, teacher and public speaker. First performed Lichfield Cathedral 2023.
Duration c.3'30''
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A gentle, lullaby like carol for SATB mixed choir setting the poem of the same name by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911). The poem is based on a passage from Matthew 8:20, opening with the words: 'The conies had their hiding place, the fox with stealthy tread a covert found, but Christ, the Lord, had not a place to lay his head.' Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was one of the first African-American women to be published in the United States, also an abolitionist, suffragist, teacher and public speaker. First performed Lichfield Cathedral 2023.
SATB and Organ or Piano,
Duration c.3'20''
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A setting of words from Genesis about the binding of Isaac. It is driven by the repeated phrase that starts each verse, "“Abraham! Abraham!”, “Here I am,” says he". I was struck by the three appearances of the summons from the angel and how Abraham must have felt each time he was called. The music reflects the change from the first summons where he is asked to sacrifice his son, to the second where he is reprieved and the third where he is honoured by the Lord for his faithfulness. There are two linking sections that tell the events between each summons. The choir sometimes acts as an instrumental texture, allowing the words to be heard clearly as the story unfolds, then culminating in a burst of glory as the Lord declares repeatedly that “earth shall be blessed for ever more, for your true love for me.”
SATB and Organ or Piano,
Duration c.3'20''
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A setting of words from Genesis about the binding of Isaac. It is driven by the repeated phrase that starts each verse, "“Abraham! Abraham!”, “Here I am,” says he". I was struck by the three appearances of the summons from the angel and how Abraham must have felt each time he was called. The music reflects the change from the first summons where he is asked to sacrifice his son, to the second where he is reprieved and the third where he is honoured by the Lord for his faithfulness. There are two linking sections that tell the events between each summons. The choir sometimes acts as an instrumental texture, allowing the words to be heard clearly as the story unfolds, then culminating in a burst of glory as the Lord declares repeatedly that “earth shall be blessed for ever more, for your true love for me.”
SATB (some divisi),
Duration c.3'40''
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The text for “I Sing of a Maiden” comes from an anonymous 15th Century Middle English lyric poem about the Virgin Mary. The original manuscript is held in the British Library. This setting reflects elements of the medieval through use of open fifths at the start and end and largely modal harmonies but with a distinctly twentieth century flavour to the harmonies. The choir frequently uses vocalisations in order to let the words be heard and whilst some of the harmony is complex it is always led by the individual vocal lines. First performed by The Music Makers of London (cond. Hilary Campbell) in December 2016 it was the winner of the Nick Edwards prize at its premiere.
SATB (some divisi),
Duration c.3'40''
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The text for “I Sing of a Maiden” comes from an anonymous 15th Century Middle English lyric poem about the Virgin Mary. The original manuscript is held in the British Library. This setting reflects elements of the medieval through use of open fifths at the start and end and largely modal harmonies but with a distinctly twentieth century flavour to the harmonies. The choir frequently uses vocalisations in order to let the words be heard and whilst some of the harmony is complex it is always led by the individual vocal lines. First performed by The Music Makers of London (cond. Hilary Campbell) in December 2016 it was the winner of the Nick Edwards prize at its premiere.
IN PEACE ETERNAL (A Blessing for Leo)
Duration c.2'40''
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First performance: St Martin’s Voices dir. Andrew Earis, St Martin in the Fields, London. Broadcast as part on BBC Radio 4’s Daily Service 8th September 2022 (World Suicide Prevention Day). Revd. Sharon Grenham-Thompson lost her teenage son, Leo, in tragic circumstances. Since then, she has spoken out about grief and how her faith was affected by the unexpected loss. 'The blessing that Sharon wrote for Leo’s funeral has now been set to music by Alison Willis, creating a gentle, reflective choral piece with a musical character that is fitting for such deeply personal words.'
In loving memory of Leo Dominic Toze, 2004 – 2021.
Duration c.2'40''
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First performance: St Martin’s Voices dir. Andrew Earis, St Martin in the Fields, London. Broadcast as part on BBC Radio 4’s Daily Service 8th September 2022 (World Suicide Prevention Day). Revd. Sharon Grenham-Thompson lost her teenage son, Leo, in tragic circumstances. Since then, she has spoken out about grief and how her faith was affected by the unexpected loss. 'The blessing that Sharon wrote for Leo’s funeral has now been set to music by Alison Willis, creating a gentle, reflective choral piece with a musical character that is fitting for such deeply personal words.'
In loving memory of Leo Dominic Toze, 2004 – 2021.
Duration c.2'30''
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A setting the poem of the same name attributed to 12th Century Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and later translated by Victorian hymn writer Edward Caswall. The music features an almost hymn like melodic line supported by gently shifting chromatic and cluster harmonies to colour the words. Whilst the harmonies are quite chromatic at times reflecting the light and shade of the text, the individual lines make singing this piece a pleasure.
Jesu, the very thought of thee with sweetness fills my breast,
But sweeter far thy face to see and in thy presence rest.
With Mary to thy tomb I'll haste before the dawning skies,
And all around with longing cast my soul's enquiring eyes.
Beside thy grave will make my moan and sob my heart away,
Then at thy feet sit trembling down and there adoring stay.
Nor from my tears and sighs refrain, nor those dear feet release,
My Jesu, 'til from thee I gain some blessed word of peace.
Duration c.2'30''
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A setting the poem of the same name attributed to 12th Century Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and later translated by Victorian hymn writer Edward Caswall. The music features an almost hymn like melodic line supported by gently shifting chromatic and cluster harmonies to colour the words. Whilst the harmonies are quite chromatic at times reflecting the light and shade of the text, the individual lines make singing this piece a pleasure.
Jesu, the very thought of thee with sweetness fills my breast,
But sweeter far thy face to see and in thy presence rest.
With Mary to thy tomb I'll haste before the dawning skies,
And all around with longing cast my soul's enquiring eyes.
Beside thy grave will make my moan and sob my heart away,
Then at thy feet sit trembling down and there adoring stay.
Nor from my tears and sighs refrain, nor those dear feet release,
My Jesu, 'til from thee I gain some blessed word of peace.
SATB and Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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A simple setting of a beautiful text from the Anglo Saxon "Old English Martyrology" for the 15th May (Pentecost). ‘The Spirit dwells in all those who do good and it rejoices in the heart of a true man, like the dove when she bathes in quiet waters.’ The text comes from the Old English Martyrology, one of the most significant Anglo-Saxon texts helping people understand about different saints, important dates and the seasons of the year. This particular entry is for May 15th, the traditional date of Pentecost (also known as Whit Sunday), the day Christians recall how the disciples were given God’s Holy Spirit after Jesus’ ascension. With its story of wind, fire and speaking in tongues it is a moveable feast that marks the end of the Easter season fifty days after Easter Day (hence the ‘Pent’) and is often associated with baptism.
As Bede wrote in his homily for Pentecost, ‘all who carry out the commands of the divine law with the help of the grace of the Spirit are directing their course toward true rest,’ which suggests that trying to be a good, honest person will help bring inner peace and that sounds good to me… I hope this piece may give you a moment of peace too.
SATB and Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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A simple setting of a beautiful text from the Anglo Saxon "Old English Martyrology" for the 15th May (Pentecost). ‘The Spirit dwells in all those who do good and it rejoices in the heart of a true man, like the dove when she bathes in quiet waters.’ The text comes from the Old English Martyrology, one of the most significant Anglo-Saxon texts helping people understand about different saints, important dates and the seasons of the year. This particular entry is for May 15th, the traditional date of Pentecost (also known as Whit Sunday), the day Christians recall how the disciples were given God’s Holy Spirit after Jesus’ ascension. With its story of wind, fire and speaking in tongues it is a moveable feast that marks the end of the Easter season fifty days after Easter Day (hence the ‘Pent’) and is often associated with baptism.
As Bede wrote in his homily for Pentecost, ‘all who carry out the commands of the divine law with the help of the grace of the Spirit are directing their course toward true rest,’ which suggests that trying to be a good, honest person will help bring inner peace and that sounds good to me… I hope this piece may give you a moment of peace too.
SATB and Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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A short introit/anthem setting the text of the hymn of the same name by Reginald Herber.
With thanks to Seraphim (dir. Robert Mingay-Smith) for premiering this as part of the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music in May 2018.
Oh most merciful! Oh most bountiful!
God the Father Almighty!
By the Redeemer’s
Sweet intercession
Hear us, help us when we cry!
SATB and Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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A short introit/anthem setting the text of the hymn of the same name by Reginald Herber.
With thanks to Seraphim (dir. Robert Mingay-Smith) for premiering this as part of the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music in May 2018.
Oh most merciful! Oh most bountiful!
God the Father Almighty!
By the Redeemer’s
Sweet intercession
Hear us, help us when we cry!
SSA and Piano or Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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contact Alison directly for PDF download license at £1 per choir member copy.
A bright carol for upper voices that is real fun to sing with its medieval refrain of 'falantidingdido!'. Written for Godolphin Vocal Ensemble, directed by Olivia Sparkhall as a thank you for all her work with Louise Stewart and the team on the wonderful Multitude of Voyces books championing music by women composers.
SSA and Piano or Organ,
Duration c.3'00''
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contact Alison directly for PDF download license at £1 per choir member copy.
A bright carol for upper voices that is real fun to sing with its medieval refrain of 'falantidingdido!'. Written for Godolphin Vocal Ensemble, directed by Olivia Sparkhall as a thank you for all her work with Louise Stewart and the team on the wonderful Multitude of Voyces books championing music by women composers.
PRECES AND RESPONSES (inspired by the medieval Old Hispanic Office)
SATB and Cantor (some divisi),
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and these pieces have two options for the Cantor, the traditional simple version and a decorated version based on the Hispanic chants. The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition.
SATB and Cantor (some divisi),
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and these pieces have two options for the Cantor, the traditional simple version and a decorated version based on the Hispanic chants. The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition.
SATB (some divisi),
Duration c.3'40''
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and this piece uses my interpretation of the non-pitch specific chant for this text. The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition.
SATB (some divisi),
Duration c.3'40''
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Commissioned as part of The Old Hispanic Office Project at Bristol University, the Vespers reflects the structure and musical soundscape of the early medieval Christian liturgy in the Iberian peninsula. The rationale of the commissioning project was to re-imagine some element of the liturgical rite based on the manuscripts and this piece uses my interpretation of the non-pitch specific chant for this text. The Vespers is a collection of works made up of four works: Ego Dormivi et Quievi, Gustate et Videte, Preces and Responses and Quem Timebo. All are available on Composers Edition.
SATB with Bass Solo and Organ,
Duration c.3'30''
Coming soon... contact Alison
Commissioned with the support of the Friends of Christ Church Cathedral as part a major initiative to commission several composers to write fresh and original liturgical music which, after the pandemic interruption, was finally performed by the choir in 2021 and 2022.
SATB with Bass Solo and Organ,
Duration c.3'30''
Coming soon... contact Alison
Commissioned with the support of the Friends of Christ Church Cathedral as part a major initiative to commission several composers to write fresh and original liturgical music which, after the pandemic interruption, was finally performed by the choir in 2021 and 2022.
Five short pieces (may be sung individually) reflecting on Mary
1. Ave Rosa
2. There Is No Rose
3. Ave Domina
4. Flos Florum
5. Rosa Sine Spina
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.15'00''
Also as SSAA (divisi)
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A Rosarium is a garland of roses and the medieval texts for these five short pieces all reflect on the notion of Mary as the Rose without thorn. They also reflect the macaronic (dual language) fashion of the medieval era combining English and Latin words. Inspired by Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols the pieces can be sung individually or, as here, as a collection. Musically the pieces are largely modal, but always with a contemporary twist in the harmony.
'Ave Rosa' sets the scene in a simple chant like soprano melody that is joined in each repetition by the other voices. 'There is No Rose' opens and closes with a dark accompanied soprano solo with a fuller section in between. 'Ave Domina' is in a lively 7/8 featuring unison verses and joyful full choir responses. 'Flos Florum' is the longest of the pieces, a hymn of worship to the ‘flower of all flowers’. 'Rosa Sine Spina' starts with upper voices only reprising the melody from Ave Rosa and the call and response texture of Ave Domina, that builds to a celebratory polyphonic closing section.
Five short pieces (may be sung individually) reflecting on Mary
1. Ave Rosa
2. There Is No Rose
3. Ave Domina
4. Flos Florum
5. Rosa Sine Spina
SATB (extensive divisi),
Duration c.15'00''
Also as SSAA (divisi)
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A Rosarium is a garland of roses and the medieval texts for these five short pieces all reflect on the notion of Mary as the Rose without thorn. They also reflect the macaronic (dual language) fashion of the medieval era combining English and Latin words. Inspired by Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols the pieces can be sung individually or, as here, as a collection. Musically the pieces are largely modal, but always with a contemporary twist in the harmony.
'Ave Rosa' sets the scene in a simple chant like soprano melody that is joined in each repetition by the other voices. 'There is No Rose' opens and closes with a dark accompanied soprano solo with a fuller section in between. 'Ave Domina' is in a lively 7/8 featuring unison verses and joyful full choir responses. 'Flos Florum' is the longest of the pieces, a hymn of worship to the ‘flower of all flowers’. 'Rosa Sine Spina' starts with upper voices only reprising the melody from Ave Rosa and the call and response texture of Ave Domina, that builds to a celebratory polyphonic closing section.
Five pieces (may be sung individually) telling the Passion based on the poem by Aemilia Lanyer
1. Prologue
2. Gethsemane
3. The Trial
4. The Journey to the Cross
5. Epilogue
SATB (some divisi), Soprano soloist, Organ and bell (optional),
Duration c.20'00''
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SALVE DEUS, REX JUDAEORUM is a Cantata (c. 20') setting words from the extraordinary poem by Aemilia Lanyer, first woman to publish a book of poems under her own name in 1611. The poem tells the Passion of Christ from a female perspective, with Pilate's wife (the soprano soloist) acting as narrator in this version. The text is given in the videos above. You can read more about the music and Aemilia Lanyer here.
Five pieces (may be sung individually) telling the Passion based on the poem by Aemilia Lanyer
1. Prologue
2. Gethsemane
3. The Trial
4. The Journey to the Cross
5. Epilogue
SATB (some divisi), Soprano soloist, Organ and bell (optional),
Duration c.20'00''
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SALVE DEUS, REX JUDAEORUM is a Cantata (c. 20') setting words from the extraordinary poem by Aemilia Lanyer, first woman to publish a book of poems under her own name in 1611. The poem tells the Passion of Christ from a female perspective, with Pilate's wife (the soprano soloist) acting as narrator in this version. The text is given in the videos above. You can read more about the music and Aemilia Lanyer here.
THERE IS NO ROSE (from Rosarium)
SATB (div.) with soprano solo from within choir,
Duration c. 2'40''
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Score available as single digital offprint or as part of
Setting the well known text from the Trinity Roll, this piece has the choir starting with vocalisations and responses to the solo soprano before blossoming into joyful Glorias at its heart.
SATB (div.) with soprano solo from within choir,
Duration c. 2'40''
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Score available as single digital offprint or as part of
Setting the well known text from the Trinity Roll, this piece has the choir starting with vocalisations and responses to the solo soprano before blossoming into joyful Glorias at its heart.
SATB and Organ/Piano, Easy/Moderate, Duration c.4'10''
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The text comes from a poem by Edith Nesbit, best known for her childrens' books. The first and second Kings have lost heart in their search for the baby Jesus, the first saying 'by some ill spell have our feet been led, now I see in the darkness the fools we are to follow the light of a lying star', the second, 'it was but a dream and the dream is sped. Let us fool no more, but like kings and men each get him home to his land again!' 'Then spake the third, 'So very far ye have followed the light of the radiant star and because for a while ye see it not, shall its faithful shining be all forgot? To-morrow our star will be bright once more the little pin-hole in heaven's floor, the Angels pricked it to let it bring our feet to the throne of the new-born King!''
SATB and Organ/Piano, Easy/Moderate, Duration c.4'10''
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The text comes from a poem by Edith Nesbit, best known for her childrens' books. The first and second Kings have lost heart in their search for the baby Jesus, the first saying 'by some ill spell have our feet been led, now I see in the darkness the fools we are to follow the light of a lying star', the second, 'it was but a dream and the dream is sped. Let us fool no more, but like kings and men each get him home to his land again!' 'Then spake the third, 'So very far ye have followed the light of the radiant star and because for a while ye see it not, shall its faithful shining be all forgot? To-morrow our star will be bright once more the little pin-hole in heaven's floor, the Angels pricked it to let it bring our feet to the throne of the new-born King!''